My name is Mack, I've been a true naturalist for about 5 years now. Growing up my mother decided to perm me and my sisters hair for easy maintenance. (I don't think it helped lol) I became a "born again natural" in 2013. My best friend decided to do a <6 month no heat challenge> and like an idiot I agreed to do it with her. I was in the transition stage for about a year which I hated.
Hey loves! My name is Adaisha Miriam and I am a natural hair enthusiast. I’m new to the blogging world and I’m so excited to start sharing my type 4 hair tips and tricks on my Instagram (@a.dai.sha).
Hey Queens! My name is Shalon AKA Shi Natural, and I am a natural hair influencer. You can follow me on Instagram, @mommashinatural. I did my big chop 3.5 years ago. Since then there has been many ups and downs with this process, but it has definitely all been worth it. (more…)...
Hello loves! My name is Leslyene Dos Santos. I am first generation Cape Verdean and from Connecticut. My hair journey starts as a child. Growing up natural hair was not the "it" thing. My hair was extremely curly and my length reached my butt, but was so hard to maintain. After years of begging and pleading with my mom.
Hi there! My name is Rickki. I was born and raised in Louisiana! My #1 rule for maintaining my hair is ACCEPTANCE. I know it may seem like a very strange “rule”, but I consider it an important part of the process. I have to accept that on some days my hair is not going to cooperate and will require a little more patience. I have to accept that I can’t be lazy because my dry hair NEEDS to be deep conditioned weekly. I’ve learned to accept that every kink, coil, and curl on my head has a mind of its own. I accept my hair for everything it is, and everything it is not. Acceptance is a huge part of this journey, and often the hardest.
Hi my name is Kaykay. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic until I was 12 came to New Jersey. In my culture straight hair was the thing to have, and I never liked it .I always knew there’s was always something missing about myself because I never felt beautiful in my eyes and specially never liked my hair . (more…)...
Hi Beauties! My name is Stephanie! I was born and raised in NYC and my parents are from the Dominican Republic. I’ve always had natural curls, however, growing up in my culture it was all about rocking straight hair. I remember getting a relaxer at the age of 10 because my hair was “so hard to manage”. For a really long time, I thought this was normal and that my hair had to ALWAYS be straight.
My #1 rule to maintaining my hair is NEVER SKIPPING deep conditioning! It goes a long way and makes huge difference in the manipulation process of my thick, kinky type 4 hair.
Hi Dolls,
My name is Krystal, but you can call me Krys.
I want to say that I have been Natural all my life, but that would be a lie. I did a big chop in December of 2015, and completely stopped straightening my hair on September 22 of 2016. (Heyyy my curlversary is tomorrow!!) Making the decision to go natural was huge and I knew it would take a lot of commitment. But to this day, with the support Ive had from my boyfriend and all my friends around me, I am happy I did it
Hey Friends!
My name is Chloe and I’m loving my natural hair. My last relaxer was on October 26, 2009 and two weeks later I decided to big chop, and big chop I did. I went to a barber and asked for the “Amber Rose.” It felt amazing, and a bit cold, but still wonderful. I loved my short hair. I threw out my shower cap, walked slowly in the rain, and went to the pool at will. I received many critics including my family, friends, and strangers. “Chloe, you look like boy!” “Are you going through something?” “Maybe you should wear some earrings?!” Despite my efforts to ignore the negative sentiments about my new hair; it really hurt my feelings.