Hi there! My name is Rickki. I was born and raised in Louisiana! My #1 rule for maintaining my hair is ACCEPTANCE. I know it may seem like a very strange “rule”, but I consider it an important part of the process. I have to accept that on some days my hair is not going to cooperate and will require a little more patience. I have to accept that I can’t be lazy because my dry hair NEEDS to be deep conditioned weekly. I’ve learned to accept that every kink, coil, and curl on my head has a mind of its own. I accept my hair for everything it is, and everything it is not. Acceptance is a huge part of this journey, and often the hardest.
There are no magic pills to help transform your hair over night. Stop searching. Don’t become fixated on other people’s hair or obsessed with having a certain hair type because you may risk never learning to love and care for your own. We have a tendency to take care of the things we love. So fall in love with your hair, and ACCEPT it because you can’t replace it.
I initially made the decision to go natural because my hair had reached a point where it was struggling retain length. I tried transitioning several times and FAILED. After my last relaxer I felt super guilty about my decision, and became determined to grow it out. I gave up the relaxers, but I was still a slave to the flatiron. I was addicted to straight hair, it was my security blanket. Shortly after i stopped relaxing, I had a “come to Jesus moment”, and woke up. I came to the conclusion that God wanted me to have kinks, curls, and coils. It’s how he designed me, and I am beautiful. I have not relaxed or used direct heat since 2014 !!
I don’t know my exact hair type, but I’m pretty sure I fall somewhere in the type 4 (kinky/curly) category. My hair is low porosity and benefits from products that are moisturizing. I deep condition weekly, and do scalp massages every other day. I’m a self-proclaimed product junkie and proud of it! My favorite brands at the moment are: Righteous Roots Oil (Hair Rx), 2 Curls 1 Mission (EVERYTHING lol), and Elaine Hair & Body (Low Porosity Line) just to name a few.
Follow Her @Foxynaturally